Multidimensional Games, Stories, Tones & E.Books
Partner With Imagination For Multidimensional Expansion
Play games, read stories and share sounds to expand your multidimensional abilities and capacities.
Your Instructor

I had my conscious awakening in 2010. I designed my awakening to be experiential. I am an experiencer, that means I experience first and find resources second. I had zero interest in anything sci fi or sky based at the time of my awakening. I had grown up with a spiritual hunger, I was an active Luthern and then become one of Jehovah's Witnesses for over a decade. I was wired to search and know God/Goddess.
My multidimensional journey took me by surprise and created a huge shift in my perception, awareness and perspective. Many of my stories, actually most of my stories unfolded while I was clueless. Meaning I did not read about what would happen, then experience it. Nor did I listen to someone explain situations that could happen, the experience it. I experienced first, then tried to digest it and makes sense of it by searching for information. Many of my experiences took months or even years to understand.
I am a Being who loves fast, therefore, the depths of my awakening unfolded quickly. I expand, integrate and repeat. I have been having a blast re-discovering the truth and wholeness of who I am. Today I am able to access multiple conscious perspectives at the same time. I am consciously aware and operate from a multidimensional point of view through out my day. I no longer am inspired to do the practices that once helped me access my Multidimensional Self. I am able to instantly know what I know. I have developed confidence and trust in myself and all aspects of me, All That I Am.
Course Curriculum
StartGuest Visitors Game (30:41)
StartParallel Self Game (15:00)
StartYes or No Game (14:29)
StartUsing Sounds / Tones For MultiD Journey (6:17)
Start4:44 Game for Manifesting
Start4:44 Game For Manifesting
StartIntergalactic Storyteller E.Book
StartGatekeeper Reward Program
StartMoldavite Singing Bowl Sounds (5:10)